Why is Education Important to Parenting Healthy Children?

  • Did you know that 50% of attention deficit type disorders
    may be due to food additives?
  • Did you know that young children’s junk food diets are
    associated with misbehavior in grade school and teen conduct
  • Did you know that too much TV is associated with lower grades in school, anxiety, aggression and obesity?
  • Did you know one very violent school found a sudden drop in
    violence in school after the cafeteria began serving
    nonprocessed foods, and eliminated additives and soda?
  • Did you know at that same school there are now no drop outs,
    weapons violations, expulsions and suicides?
  • Did you know that the use of mulitvitamin and mineral
    supplements have led to improved behavior and better grades and
    that certain children showed dramatic results?
  • Do you think it might be prudent to change your child’s diet
    and TV watching if she is having problems?
  • Do you think it is better to make such changes now, while
    your child is young, or should you wait?

To emphasize the importance of such knowledge is why we ask the
question: Why is education important in raising healthy children?

Parenting healthy children can prove frustrating, heartbreaking
and time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact,
with the right advice and information, it even can be fun. I know
because I’ve advised many mothers and fathers, and I’ve seen
positive changes, sometimes over night.

Why is education important in parenting healthy children?

Many mothers and fathers agree that raising their children is
the most important and difficult job of their lives; but, they
receive neither education nor on the job training for
parenting. Yet, they are expected to get it right, to know all
the answers that confront them without getting any help. How
long would you expect anyone to last on an important new job
where they were expected, to know all the answers with little or
no training. Not long!

So, don’t put those unrealistic expectations on yourself.
Instead, approach child care like you would a new job, as the
beginner you are. Be flexible and willing to learn. Read and
ask for help. That’s what this site is all about: to help you
in rearing healthy children.

Why is education important in parenting healthy children?

The answer is revealed in the suggestions on how to use this site:

  1. Enjoy your learning: Take your time, go slowly but keep
    going, at your own pace. Remember, it’s the tortoise that
    completed the race; Rome was not built in a day.
  2. Note the site sections in the upper left hand tabs. Go
    where your interests draw you, or where you believe you need
  3. As you read the information, think about creating your own
    parenting style. Imagine what your kid rearing style looks like
    when interacting with your child? Consider that this
    information is a way of stimulating your own thinking about
    child care, rather than giving you a correct answer. It’s a way
    of developing your expertise in the art of parenting. Recall
    the adage about giving a person a fish versus teaching a person to fish?
  4. Think about this statement from time to time: As you learn
    to parent your children more positively, effectively and
    successfully, in a sense, you are reparenting yourself and,
    thus, improving and benefiting too-emotionally and
  5. Each section of this site is self-reinforcing and overlapping
    in that as you read one section, it helps improve your
    understanding of prior and following sections.
  6. For the most part, a good check on the parenting healthy
    children practices provided herein, is to note whether your heart
    and mind are in accord. If they aren’t, you need to find out why
    and resolve the dilemma.

Why is education important in parenting healthy children even for experienced parents?

Some mothers and fathers have quite a bit of parenting
experience. Occasionally, however, challenges arise that
families are not prepared to handle. You will learn where, when
and whom to go to for help with these challenges. Not only
that, but you will learn how to choose the best person to help
you and your youngster. Did you know that very often counseling
help has been available for free, or at low cost, if mothers or
fathers had only known to ask for it?

Does your child lack confidence? Does she ignore you? Did you
know that physical punishment does not work in the long run?
Are you wondering why your child follows bad examples? Is your
child’s temper getting to you? Are you a divorced mom or dad in
need of parenting healthy children help? Are you searching for a
logical, loving child care plan that works? Well, you’ve come to
the right place.

Why is education important for parenting healthy children?

Because, not only will you read about real life moms and dads
struggling with kids that have problems, but you will, gain a
better understanding of these problems, and you will learn the
parenting healthy children skills needed to handle them, and
whom to go to for further information and training. What’s
more, you might, even, discover your own unique approach to
rearing healthy children, one that will, not only make your
child happier, but you and your entire family happier.

Why is education important in parenting healthy children?
Through education and learning various parenting skills you can
become more responsbile for your child and develop your own
unique parenting style.

Why is education important in parenting healthy children?

  1. Because it encourages you to take full responsibility for your
    child’s well-being, by demonstrating how vitally important your
    parenting is to your child’s health and success in life. In
    other words, the buck stops with you, the parent.
  2. It introduces you to skills, like positive parenting that can
    work like magic, and help you raise your child properly and
    make parenting healthy children easier.
  3. To encourage you to seek professional help (counselor,
    psychologist, MFT, psychiatrist, education, etc.) in further
    developing and tailoring these parenting healthy children skills
    to suit your family.
  4. To present parenting healthy children ideas and skills to
    stimulate the development of your own parenting style that suits
    you and your family.
  5. To present you with information and ideas that will help your
    child succeed in school. Why is education important? Did you
    know that research indicates positive feelings improve your child’s
    ability to learn?
  6. To help you understand your child so you can judge for
    yourself what type of parenting and educational approaches are
    best for him or her. For example, if your child possesses a
    temperament that responds to change negatively, he may need
    more time to adjust to new learning situations and before taking
    tests. If you didn’t know this, you may be blaming him or
    yourself for something that is neither his nor your fault.
  7. Why is education important to parenting health children?
    To inform you that vitamins, not only can improve your child’s
    IQ and mental balance, but that they have genetic affects and
    have been used to treat more than fifty genetic diseases.
  8. So that you will understand that parenting healthy children
    is both the toughest and most rewarding job on the planet.
  9. Why is education important in parenting healthy children?
    Because parenting healthy children is so challenging, remember
    to give yourself a pat on the back for trying, for not giving
    up, and for doing the right thing, by, for example, doing what
    you’re doing right now, improving your skills at this site.
    Good job!

Regarding counseling, why is education important for parenting
healthy children? Here are some reasons:

  1. If you are having problems with your child or if you suspect
    a problem, it is vital you get your child to a health
    professional as soon as possible, or “sooner.” Emotional and
    behavioral problems are, usually, not a phase the child goes
    through, but something to be taken seriously since they
    usually worsen with age.
  2. Often counseling or therapy is available for free at the
    child’s school or can be gotten for free or on a sliding scale
    in the community in which you live.
  3. Behavioral or emotional problems are many times easier to
    treat when your child is young, while they may become almost
    incurable at an older age.
  4. Counseling can improve grades in school and behavior at

Why is education important to your child’s school success?

This is why:

  1. Your parenting healthy children skills can determine whether
    your child succeeds or fails in school.
  2. Positive emotions are associated with learning.
  3. Good study skills improve educational performance.
  4. You may be surprised to learn that education may not be what
    you think it is or what it was when you attended school.
  5. Your teacher is your best friend when it comes to your
    child’s educational success.

Why is education important?

If we don’t understand our children, how can we parent healthy children? Did you know that:

  • Children are suffering mentally from lack of play?
  • Outdoor play may be the best form of play for your child’s
    mental and physical health, as well as his learning ability?
  • Mentally children are far more sensitive and vulnerable than
  • Storying may be a more accurate measure of your child’s
    intelligence than IQ?
  • According to one researcher, there are two critical
    childhood periods, one of which where suicide suddenly increases
  • Your child’s brain is probably built to thrive on positive
    emotions and play? Have you taken advantage of this fact?Click the child tab at the upper left corner of this page for
    more information and help now.Why is education important for parenting healthy children?
    Because it is important to you, the reader, the explorer, the
    researcher, that will ultimately determine the success or
    faillure of this site.